In case you haven't heard yet, we are organising big Open Day this Sunday 19th of May. We have prepared fun and interesting program to present our work and plenty of activities to get involved in.
More information:
1) Doors will open at 10:30am. Parking will be available in a field. Free entry!
2) Horse rides starts at 11am and will be first come first serve basis. Minimum riding age is 5.
3) Well behaved dogs on a leash are welcomed.
4) Other activities you can get involved in: Shetland Pony Sessions, Horse Simulator sessions, arts & crafts, scavenger hunt, tombola, raffle, silent auction, best cake competition, hobby horse competition and more.
There is still time if you would like to donate a tombola or a raffle prize!
All cake donations will be accepted on Sunday morning. You can also enter the competition judged by Tasha Stones, British Bake Off Semi-finalist at noon! Please bring the list of ingrediencies with you.
Here is the schedule of performances:
We hope to see you Sunday!